2015 Château Calvimont Graves Blanc

它具有Sauvignon Blanc和Sauvignon Gris的所有新鮮度,以及Sémillon的濃度和天鵝絨質地。這款葡萄酒具有檸檬,葡萄柚,桃子和白色花朵的香氣,以及覆蓋石灰岩的莊園礫石土壤的典型礦物質。該組合物是75%Sémillon,10%Sauvignon Blanc,10%Sauvignon Gris,5%Muscadelle。野餐白葡萄酒。
All the freshness of Sauvignon Blanc and Sauvignon Gris, as well as the concentration and velvety texture of Sémillon. The wine features hints of lemon, grapefruit, peach, and white flowers, as well as minerality typical of the estate's gravel soil overlaying limestone. The composition is 75 % Sémillon, 10 % Sauvignon Blanc, 10 % Sauvignon Gris, 5 % Muscadelle. It is a good white wine autumn becuase of the relatively good richness.